Table of Contents

Child MeditatingModule 1: Understanding Ayurveda

1. History and Philosophy: origins and the Vedas, Ayurvedic/Sankhya philosophy, cosmology, Ayurveda today.
2. The Role of Meditation: How to meditate, benefits, science of meditation.


DoshasModule 2: The Foundations of Ayurveda

3. The Five Elements: the 20 attributes
4. Three Doshas and their main characteristics.
5. Prakruti and Vikruti: assessing your ayurvedic constitution.
6. Agni: the vital role of the digestive fire.


Pitta heartModule 3: Going Deeper into Ayurvedic Anatomy

7. The 15 Subdoshas
8. Ayurvedic Anatomy: seven dhatus, three malas, the srotas, the importance of ojas.
9. Ayurveda, the Mind and Emotions: the subtle anatomy of the mind, prana, tejas and ojas, the three gunas.


beetsModule 4: Taste and the Healing Power of Food

10. Foods can be your Medicine: food and your constitution, the six tastes, food combinations, recipes.


Working with herbsModule 5: The Healing Role of Herbs and Spices

11. How to Use Herbs and Herbal Preparations: herbal constituents, actions, qualities and preparations.
12: A Directory of 40 Ayurvedic Herbs: including amalaki, shatavari, ashwagandha, gotu kola, manjishta, bacopa, sariva, gokshura, punarnava, turmeric, frankincense.


MandalaModule 6: Creating a Healthy Lifestyle and Preventing Disease

13. Preventative Health: living with daily and seasonal routines, Seasonal advice for maintaining balance of the doshas, signs and symptoms of health.
14. Living the Sattvic Way: the path to health through sattvic living including herbs, meditation, pranayama, and lifestyle for mind and body.


BuddhaModule 7 The Importance of Detoxification

15. Treatment of Agni: stages of digestion, agni and the doshas.
16. The Importance of Detoxification: the causes and six stages of disease, disease pathways, types of toxins, preventative measures, seasonal times to detox.
17. Methods of Detoxification: ama-reducing diet, home detoxification, raising agni, clearing ama with herbs and spices, the role of and treatments of panchakarma.


Father and childModule 8 Returning to Health through Ayurveda

18. Ayurvedic Assessment Techniques: the role of the practitioner, pulse and tongue diagnosis, the ten assessments and eight examinations.
19. Balancing the Doshas: symptoms of aggravation of the doshas, treatment of the doshas using diet, herbs and lifestyle.
20. Balancing the Heart and Mind: role of the mind in health, mental prakruti, balancing the gunas, cultivating sattva, and treatment of prana vata, sadhaka pitta and tarpaka kapha.
21. Ojas, Rejuvenation and Longevity: concept of rasayana, ojas, rasayana foods, herbs, aromatherapy and lifestyle.

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